Asia/Jerusalem Sept. 5, 2021, 4 p.m.
The phenomenon of silver electrolytic solution. Potential uses for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes

Human interaction with viruses, bacteria and other harmful environmental factors leads to intoxication and a subsequent decrease in the body's defenses. They are represented in it by the immune system, which neutralizes or destroys these factors harmful to our body.

   The speaker will present the method of exposure to "Electrolytic solutions of silver" (EDS or "Silver water"), proposed by the author of the invention, academician Leonid Kulskiy. Installations and devices for obtaining silver water in hospitals, sanatoriums, industrial enterprises, swimming pools, etc. will be described. According to the author, this water has a pronounced bactericidal, antimicrobial, disinfecting effect and is many times more active than chlorine and its derivatives. The effectiveness of the action of electrolytic silver in the disinfection of drinking and mineral water, food products is shown. Designs and possibilities of making and using silver water for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes at home are presented.